
esProc Charts: Web Integration and Hyperlink

In esProc Charts: The Basics, esProc Charts: Coordinate Axes and Coordinate Transformation, as well as other documents explaining using chart elements in esProc charts, we discussed the method for plotting charts in esProc. To display charts on web, however, hyperlinks are often required. Here we’ll see how to design ...

2015-06-24 1146 0 0

esProc Charts: Using Ready-made Graphs

The series of articles on esProc charts discussed how to use chart elements in plotting algorithms to make charts. Besides writing plotting algorithms, we can use a number of built-in ready-made graphs to quickly plot common styles of charts. There are four types of ready-made graphs (Column graph, Line graph, Pie grap...

2015-06-16 1395 0 0

esProc Charts: The Text Element

In esProc, it is common to add text to various charts. The text is plotted and positioned with the text element, and has its own style compared with text working with other chart elements (though the latter’s properties can be adjusted in a similar way). 1.Data properties The text element has a relatively simple functi...

2015-06-03 1462 0 0

esProc Charts: The Sector Element

Used only in polar coordinates, the sector element is usually for plotting a pie chart. Here we’ll explain how it is employed and its properties. 1. Data properties Through the following pie chart for displaying vault results, we’ll discuss the basics of plotting the sector element.   A 1 =canvas() 2 =demo....

2015-06-01 1132 0 0

esProc Charts: The Column Element

The column element is frequently used in plotting various charts. We’ve made some studies about it in esProc Charts: Coordinate Axes through examples. Here we’ll illustrate the setting of its properties and their roles. 1. Data properties The plotting algorithm below for plotting a clustered column chart of gym results...

2015-05-28 1393 0 0

esProc Charts: The Line Element

We learned how to plot a dot chart element using logical coordinates in esProc Charts: The Dot Element. Here we’ll learn about plotting the line element. The line element is another one of the most basic chart elements, which is positioned by at least two pairs of logical coordinates. If there are more logical coordina...

2015-05-26 1401 0 0

esProc Charts: The Axis Element

In esProc Charts: Coordinate Axes, we learned the basic usages of different coordinate axes and the setting of their properties. Once a logical axis is properly defined, the logical coordinates on it can be transformed into corresponding physical coordinates, according to which a certain chart element can be plotted. &...

2015-05-22 1386 0 0

esProc Charts: The Dot Element

We talked about different types of coordinate axis used in esProc in esProc Charts: Coordinate Axes and learned that a chart element can be plotted on the coordinate plane after defining a pair of axes. From this article, we’ll discuss how to plot a chart according to specified position starting from the simplest dot e...

2015-05-20 1361 0 0

esProc Charts: Coordinate Axes

In esProc Charts: Coordinate Systems and Coordinate Transformation, we discussed the relation between logical axes and physical axes in plotting a chart with esProc, as well as how to position an axis and a chart element on the canvas. esProc provides a variety of logical axes for plotting different styles of charts. L...

2015-05-18 1369 0 0

esProc Charts: Coordinate Systems and Coordinate Transformation

Regarding the chart element plotting, compared with setting the appearance properties for a chart element like color and line style, it is more important to specify its position. When plotting a chart, statistical values are often used to determine its position. Therefore you will need to create a coordinate system on ...

2015-05-14 1320 0 0

esProc Charts: The Basics

esProc provides flexible charting functionality. It allows users to define parameters and data used for charting with the graphics editor, and to draw various styles of charts as needed using drawing functions. 1. General charting procedure Let’s learn of the general procedure of charting in esProc through the followin...

2015-04-23 1344 0 0