esProc Exports Unstructured MongoDB Data as CSV Files

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MongoDB allows storing unstructured data in it. But it is somewhat difficult to export the data as standard structured data. esProc, however, makes it an easy job, with MongoDB’s cooperation. Let’s look at the steps for doing this.

Below is some data from Collection test:

/* 0 */


  “_id” : ObjectId(“5518f6f8a82a704fe4216a43”),

  “id” : “No1”,

  “cars” : {

    “name” : “Putin”,

    “car” : [“porche”, “bmw”]




/* 1 */


  “_id” : ObjectId(“5518f745a82a704fe4216a44”),

  “id” : “No2”,

  “cars” : {

    “name” : “jack”,

    “car” : [“Toyota”, “Jetta”, “Audi”]



You need to export it as a CSV file with the following layout:


esProc code:

1 =MongoDB(“mongo://localhost:27017/local?user=test&password=test”)
2 =A1.find(“test”,,”{_id:0}”)
3 =A2.conj((t=~,,, ~:car)))
4 =file(“D:\\data.csv”).export@t(A3;”,”)
5 =A1.close()

A1: Connect to MongoDB. Connection string format is mongo://ip:port/db?arg=value&…

A2: Retrieve data from MongoDB using find function and generate a cursor with the retrieved data. The collection name is test. There are no filtering criteria and all fields except _id are desired. find functions in esProc and MongoDB are alike. The esProc version follows MongoDB for syntax of filtering criteria.

A3: Retrieve desired fields to create a structured two-dimensional table, which is in the form of cursor. In the code, ~ represents every document in A2; conj function concatenates data together.

A4: Export data from A3 as a comma separated text file. @t means exporting with column names. esProc engine manages buffers automatically, fetching a batch of data each time from the cursor into the memory for computation.  

A4: Close MongoDB connection.

For users who want independent management of each batch of data, esProc provides the following approach:

1 =MongoDB(“mongo://localhost:27017/local?user=test&password=test”)
2 =A1.find(“test”,,”{_id:0}”)
3 for A2,1000 =A3.conj(,, ~:car))
4 =file(“D:\\data.csv”).export@ta(B3;”,”)
5 =A1.close()

A3: Run a loop to fetch data from the cursor into memory, 1,000 rows each time. A3’s working range is the indented B3 and B4, in which A3 is used to reference the loop variable. A3’s data is as follows:


B3:Convert the current batch of data to structured two-dimensional table, as shown below:


B4:Append the result of processing the current batch to the file. @a means data appending. 

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