category:Program Logic

Program Statement

esProc Program: Parameters and Variables

In esProc, constants can be directly stored in cells and be referenced in expressions. For the basic usage of constants, please refer to esProc Getting Started: Constants. Actually, when a constant stored in a cell is referenced, it means the value of the cell is used as a variable. The parameters and variables in esPr...

2015-10-28 927 0 0

esProc Program – Loop Computation

In esProc, loop computation works on each member of a sequence, or each record of a table sequence and a record sequence. Now the computation can be completed with simple loop functions, instead of the loop statements. 1. Loop computation While performing loop computation on a sequence, you can reference sequence membe...

2015-03-27 827 0 0

esProc Program: Loops

With esProc, the code for a loop is mainly written with for statement. The for statement will repeatedly execute the code block with for being the master cell. There are different formats of for statements, as listed below: 1. for loop An unconditional loop is the one where the values of the master cell are, in tu...

2015-03-05 826 0 0

esProc Program: Branches

When using branch statements, we need to check one or multiple conditions, execute different code according to the results or return different results. In esProc, the if/else statement is used to realize branching. It has the following forms: 1. if x … else … in the same line When condition x after if is true, the stat...

2015-02-28 784 0 0

esProc Program: Set Operators

Since sets are commonly used in esProc, the latter provides comprehensive set operations. 1. Binary Operation on Sets The most basic set in esProc is sequence. Let’s look at some basic binary operations between two sequences A and B. A|B Concatenation: Concatenate the two sequences straightforwardly. The members of B...

2015-02-05 780 0 0

esProc Program: Operations of Table Sequences and Record Sequences

The esProc table sequence is a structured two-dimensional table, having concepts of field, record, primary key and reference. These concepts originate from the data table of relational database. A table sequence is also an explicit set of genericity and orderliness, which can perform structured data computing more flex...

2015-02-03 1084 0 0

esProc Program: Sequence

A sequence is an ordered set consisting of some data, which are called members of the sequence. A sequence is similar to an array in high-level languages, but the data types of its members not necessarily the same. The following will explain its basic computation through creation, access, operators and functions. 1.Cre...

2015-01-07 739 0 0

esProc Program: Modify Table Sequences

Table sequences are universally used in esProc. During data analysis and computing, we often need to add records to a table sequence or delete them from it, or modify the data in it. This article will illustrate the modification and maintenance of the table sequences through operations of adding, deleting and modifying...

2015-01-04 813 0 0

esProc Program: Sequence and Table Sequence (II)

3. A record sequence is the reference of table sequence records  Obviously, if each computation on a table sequence is to produce a new table sequence, a great deal of the memory will be used. For instance, a table sequence, Order_Books, has 50,000 records, and 30,000 records are obtained by query. If new table se...

2014-11-10 881 0 0

esProc Program: Sequence and Table Sequence(I)

Sequence, table sequence and record sequence are commonest data types of esProc. This article tries to expound their respective characteristics as well as relations between them. 1. A sequence is an ordered generic set 1.1  Collectivity A sequence consists of multiple data, which is called members of the sequ...

2014-11-07 920 0 0