In esProc computing, we use constants frequently or sometimes store the data in the cellset directly. In this article, let’s learn the usage of constants in the esProc.
1. Directly using constant in the expressions
Constants can be directly used in the esProc expressions:
2014-11-13 950 0
esProc can be embedded into Java program. So the latter can call the cellset program written in esProc using a way of connection such as JDBC. The method of calling the esProc program is the same as that of calling the stored procedure. The following is a brief introduction to esProc JDBC.
1. Description of the j...
2014-11-12 1134 0
3. A record sequence is the reference of table sequence records
Obviously, if each computation on a table sequence is to produce a new table sequence, a great deal of the memory will be used. For instance, a table sequence, Order_Books, has 50,000 records, and 30,000 records are obtained by query. If new table se...
2014-11-10 1052 0
Sequence, table sequence and record sequence are commonest data types of esProc. This article tries to expound their respective characteristics as well as relations between them.
1. A sequence is an ordered generic set
1.1 Collectivity
A sequence consists of multiple data, which is called members of the sequ...
2014-11-07 1131 0
1. Data types in esProc
In esProc, the following basic data types are available:
Any integer between -231 and 231-1, i.e. the value range is -2147483648~2147483647. The type conversion function int() can be used to convert other types of data into integer.
Long integer
-263~263-1, which is a value range bigger ...
2014-11-05 1261 0
1. Cell Copy and Paste
In esProc, you can press Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy data or an expression in some cell and paste it on the target done. But unlike EXCEL, the copy and paste operations on the cell will not perform the adjust-paste on the expression automatically.
If you need to adjust the cell quoted by the expre...
2014-11-04 990 0
In esProc, cells are automatically classified into different types according to their values or the expressions they contain. In a cellset, each type of cell has its own appearance, which highlights the code in the cells.
1.Types of cells
1.1 Constant cell
A cell in which the cell string can be interpreted as the co...
2014-11-04 982 0
esProc is a tool for programmed data computing. It can execute various types of data analysis and structured data computing, as well as get access to the database freely and perform online data analysis.
1. Installation
You can download esProc installation package on the following official website: http://www.raqs...
2014-11-03 1059 0